Annual Membership Dues give you
365 days of membership in the VFW Aux.
If you are an annual member and you pay your dues before January your
expiration will be January of the following year. If you pay after that date whatever day
your dues are processed at National will be the new expiration date.
For example, you send in your membership dues to the VFW Aux National Headquarters on 1 Feb 2023, and National processes them on 15 Feb 2023. Your new expiration date
would be 15 Feb 2024. You can also pay dues to your local post and they can remit the dues to the National Headquarters on your behave.
Life Membership is a one-time fee, based on age, that gives you lifetime membership in the VFW Aux. This membership can be transferred to another post or you can become an Auxiliary member-at-large if you move or your post closes.
Annual Member At Large: $50, must be sent to National Headquarters
VFW Auxiliary Post 1322 Annual Membership Dues are $20 and are due when you join and on the anniversary date of each year after that.